Hiking from the Alps to the Alpilles

Hiking from the Alps to the Alpilles

We have just finished our first trip hiking from the Alps to the Alpilles, and we are thrilled. It went even better than we expected.

The Alpilles are a small chain of mountains in Provence, in the south of France. Here, limestone and bauxite cliffs jut dramatically out of the surrounding rolling landscape. Being just 80 kilometers from the Mediterranean Sea, we can see the sparkling waters while hiking through these wonderful mountains. On this trip we started in Switzerland and finished in France’s Provence.

Two worlds in one week

What we love about hiking from the Alps to the Alpilles is the contrast. We started in the Alps with some stunning high hikes, gaining altitude and hiking towards my most favourite 4000 meter mountains. I chose a relatively quiet valley in which to start. Bordering Italy, this valley is far from the tourist trail but brought us up close to some of the most majestic Swiss mountain terrain. Proximity to those giants means we enjoyed a fresh, cool breeze as we hiked.

360 degree panoramas

This valley has an interesting, ever-changing micro climate.  In the morning we had to make decisions according to the clouds and the weather. At this time of year the greens are intense, the forest has grown due to all the rain and the rivers and streams are raging which makes the hiking spectacular. All this, set to the background of heavily snow-capped 4000 meter mountains gave us 360 degree panoramas with every step. We also heli-ski here in winter.

Raclette, rosti, vineyards and tapenade

After hiking, we enjoyed raclette and rosti in the charming chocolate-box Swiss villages we had passed along the way. Next stop: Provence. After a scenic flight of 1 hour and 30 minutes we landed at the foot of the Alpilles among vineyards and lavender fields. The first thing you notice is that the temperature was dramatically different. The sun was intense on our backs as we hiked the next day up to the top of these beautiful mountains. The sounds and smells here are the opposite from the Alps. Instead of the grassy green and cool forest with dark dirt trail, where you might expect a gnome to jump out at any moment, we were in dry, crisp terrain with low, bushy shrubs, white limestone trails and noisy cicadas crying out to us. 

Pine, rosemary and thyme

The smell of pine, rosemary and thyme enveloped us as we hiked. Here, we kept the hike shorter than in the Alps because of the heat. We need to make time to plunge into the hotel pool and enjoy a crisp glass of rose with a taste of tapenade. Then we tucked into a leisurely evening meal on a terrace overlooking the view of these beautiful, and starkly different, mountains. As the sun set we realised how lucky we are to be healthy, outdoors and hiking this beautiful terrain. It felt like a privilege to enjoy how different each area is and how lovely it is to do both in one week.

We think that the perfect way to finish this trip could be with a dip in the Mediterranean to finish off the perfect week. If you’re interested in your own trip hiking from the Alps to the Alpilles, get in touch.

Warm Regards from the mountains,
