'luxury bespoke hiking trips in the Alps'

 A curated luxury hiking trip in the European Alps

What is a curated luxury hiking trip in European Alps?

This is a good question. Curated, luxury: these words mean many different things to different people. We can’t speak for everyone but we can tell you what  a curated luxury hiking trip in the European Alps means to us. For us they need to include some key points.

Curated, how?

The first word is curated. This means selected, organised and presented using professional or expert knowledge. This point is key to us and is one of our core values. We have built our concept around it, spending more than 18 years developing a network of experts in their fields, in our specific area of operation: the Alps. We depend on this network for the best quality information which then allows us access to areas that would not be accessible safely otherwise. The irony of this is that once the right decisions have been made, the execution looks easy. This is how it should be, even when embarking upon a challenging activity. However, we are lucky.  Our clients are entrepreneurs themselves; they are generally keen observers and understand things quickly. So, they understand the work that has gone on behind the scenes to produce that perfect day.

The ‘luxury’ in a luxury hiking trip in the Alps

Luxury can also mean different things to different people. In a curated, luxury hiking trip in the Alps it can mean getting off a trail away from the crowds. This is absolutely one of our definitions of luxury. We have noticed since the end of Covid and the rise in popularity of Instagram that certain, more accessible areas are becoming overrun by mass tourism. This is something that we strive to protect our guests from. The ability to do this is a direct benefit of the network and knowledge we have of our area.

Our knowledge is put to work to help our guests get into nature and take them away from the mass tourism sector. We really want you to relax and be out in nature, exercising. It is a time to clear your mind and fill up your tank for when you need to get back home to work. This is why our luxury hiking trips are curated and guided by experts. We do not want you to have to make any decisions once you are here. We will act as body guards between you and all of those little unforeseen details that pop up on a day-to-day basis on any adventure in the European Alps. If not dealt with quickly and creatively these little gremlins can affect the quality of your experience.

Luxury also means fabulous comfort at the end of the day

We believe that your Alpine accommodation should give you local insight, as well as an introduction to the sophistication and culture of the region. There is nothing better than coming home to a wonderful, welcoming establishment whose team are excited about the adventure that you have had during the day in their region. They are always keen to suggest a regional dish, a local glass of wine or present you with the latest fun, on-trend thing to try while you are staying, or dining, with them. For this reason, all our curated, luxury hiking trips in the Alps will include boutique and locally owned hideaways.

Where do we mean when we talk about the European Alps?

The European Alps is a large area to cover. As we like to do things as well as possible, we specialise only in a certain part of those Alps. We are in the area where Italy, France and Switzerland touch. As trails across the mountains have no sense of country borders, neither do we. We love designing luxury trips that encompass the three countries as we want you to experience the rich mix of languages, culture and geography here. It is very special hiking across country borders and it gives us great satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment while keeping things incredibly varied and engaging. We believe that this sort of hiking is the best combination that you can have on a curated, luxury hiking trip in the Alps.

Are you ready for a private adventure, designed just for you, your friends and family? If so contact us.  We’ll be sure to find you a level of activity that suits your group. Why not test drive our definition of a curated, luxury hiking trip in the European Alps?

Warmest regards from the mountains,
