03 Jan 6 reasons to Ski Italy France and Switzerland
We love to ski between Italy, France and Switzerland. Before visiting the European Alps, my idea of skiing was simply about the snow. I’d get up at the break of dawn to travel to the ski slopes and ski for as long as possible, perhaps managing a quick sandwich along the way. Boy, have things changed.
Skiing in Italy, France and Switzerland is about much more than just the snow and skiing. Here are the six things we love the most about this area:
Crossing country borders on ski
Is anything more fun than skiing across international borders? Soak up different cultures, languages and cuisines each day. However, you really need to plan a trip like this carefully. For example, driving from extreme points, such as from Zermatt to Chamonix, would be no fun at all. Why? The distance involved would mean spending more time in a vehicle than skiing. And when it comes to winter snow, we don’t want to waste a moment. Come to us for the right way to plan a ski experience between Italy, France and Switzerland.
Local cuisine and wine all the way
There is something to be said for finishing the perfect mornings’ skiing with an excellent local lunch. Arrive at a small village at just the right moment to start your lunch with a local aperitif and you can’t go wrong. Sandwiches are off-limits when we plan a ski trip for you between Italy, France and Switzerland. Think big, think hungry, and think delicious.
Fully embrace cultural differences
The greatest thing about skiing Italy, France and Switzerland are the cultural differences. Geographically, the countries may be close but the cultural differences are large. Of course it starts with the most obvious thing: the language. We have French, Italian, German and then all the local dialects. But it is the food, the architecture and the habits of each country which will surprise you on your journey.
Mix up your accommodation
Mix the rustic mountain villages in authentically undeveloped valleys with luxury in the famous resorts. The smaller, simpler accommodation is the harder one to filter and it can be a bit hit and miss. This is where you need local knowledge to find just the right spot.
Ski off the beaten track
The advantage of skiing from place to place is being able to escape the crowds. We have been doing this for 16 years now, so we know where to enjoy fresh snow and beautiful vistas all to ourselves. You just need to be curious and ready for adventure.
Alpine weather
The high altitude mountains between Italy, France and Switzerland create diverse weather by acting as natural barriers to wind patterns. This means each region and each valley has its own micro climate. On a ski safari we love to follow the snow around, which makes each day even more fun.
Combine all these wonderful reasons to ski Italy, France and Switzerland with a private tour and your guide will unlock local secrets. If you’re looking for the ski trip of a lifetime, give us a call.
Warm regards from the mountains