23 Jan The best heli-skiing in the European Alps is often when you least expect it
This week we saw some of the best heli-skiing in the Europe Alps in a while. Isn’t it always the way that the spontaneous events that are the ones that blow you away?
Don’t be fooled
Don’t fall into the trap that because it looks easy it is easy. The only way we can pull these rabbits out of our hats is down to the contacts that we have, the direct telephone numbers that we have and the people in charge who pick up when we call. Even at five minutes to closing time the evening before the day we want to heli-ski.
An adrenalin-packed week
This week of the year is usually ideal for heli-skiing in the European Alps. Post Christmas and New Year everyone has gone home and the mountains have emptied out, plus the snow is generally amazing. We have the skiing and the mountains to ourselves. However, the hotels can still be busy because we are seeing more and more piste skiers coming for a break from the cities. Luckily, the restaurants are more relaxed and the towns are comfortable and not overcrowded.
Planning heli-skiing in advance
You may not be able to plan heli-skiing in advance but you can plan to be ready for it. Of course, the weather is what predicts whether you can heli-ski or not. The best heli-skiing in the European Alps is local to us, due to the micro climates in all the different valleys. We can find good snow, not wind-blown, with good stability and visibility in one area or windblown, exposed and unstable snow in another area not too far away. This is why we really need the local knowledge which comes from moving around and taking measure. It’s all about getting a feel for the conditions and the risk. Then we need to have the contacts who can react quickly and fly us to where we need to go. In some areas you just need to call in and say hello to someone to make things happen the way you need them to. Nothing replaces being on the ground to ensure that the magic flow.
Europe vs America
Heli skiing the European Alps is a completely different experience from North America.
I am always pleased when our guests who do a lot of heli-skiing around the world are surprised when they heli-ski with us. I really believe that it is one of the last wild frontiers in Europe. In a place where so much is controlled you are still on your own to make your own decisions. There is a real beauty in being alone in the Alps when you heli-ski in certain areas. Yes, the conditions have to be right and yes you need a good ski level to enjoy it. Also required are patience and a decent time window because it is never guaranteed, and neither should it be. This activity brings you very close to nature and you are completely reliant on nature allowing you to do it… and that is the beauty of heli-skiing in the European Alps.
Warm Regards from the mountains