14 Feb Treat yourself to luxury, tailor-made biking and hiking this summer
Combine luxury hotels with biking and hiking in the Alps for a total blast. We like to hike narrow trails that meander across the mountains with spectacular views, too small to fit a bike. Then, we cover more territory by bike for a different feel of the region. We love how much you get to see by bike, and that you tend to remember it better than other means of transport. Also, you’ll feel a different flavour of post-workout high each day as you use different muscles depending on the activity. But one thing’s for sure… there always is a high.
Our signature recipe
As we can travel a little further and faster on the bike, that’s how we like to travel between countries. We may not be skiing, but we still cover Switzerland, Italy and France on these tailor-made biking and hiking summer trips. That’s our signature recipe.
Honeymoons are on the cards at the moment. We have a biker marrying an all-round ex professional athlete. He is intent on them sharing activity but each to his own level: just the kind of challenge we adore. After biking and hiking across the Alps they will end up in luxury by the Italian lakes. We love the Italian lakes for a touch of romance and glamour, the perfect way to finish a honeymoon.
What sort of bikes do we use?
Ahh ha, here is the fun part. We use all sorts of bike, some terrain suits the off-road bike, some parts of the trip suit the electric bike and others the road bike. We choose each day and decide on the spot. This is the beauty of combining hiking and the biking: you get the best of both worlds. No taking that bike onto that narrow hiking trail, that will just scare you and us. So we hike those narrow trails and bike those wider, longer ones.
Shake it up a bit this summer and try a hiking trip with some biking or a biking trip with some hiking. Give us a call with any questions for your tailor-made biking and hiking trip, we are right in the middle of planning some fun, luxury adventures already.
Be patient with us the beauty of tailor made is that we do what you are looking for. That can take some time and back and forth between what you need and how we can make it work and we will make it work. No cutting corners here or just agreeing when something does not flow.
Warm regards from the mountains,