Wellness Retreat

A unique journey for those in search of a profound change in their health
A wellness retreat, where hiking and longevity meet the mountains

Is it time to take a step back and examine your lifestyle choices? Diet, exercise, alcohol consumption… how are you feeling in general? Many people have aches and pains, bloating, sluggish digestion or just do not feel good with no idea why.

On our wellness retreat, we take the world’s best anti-aging treatments to regenerate and rejuvenate your body. We combine them with hiking in the mountains to heal the spirit and enhance your physical and mental performance. Join us to discover what you need to get your body back on track.


Wellness, hiking and a science-based approach to target what you need to optimise your health

Our approach to a luxury wellness retreat is different

Getting outside and getting active is our area of expertise. Our wellness hiking safari is a combination of the best Swiss medical wellness expertise with our personalized hiking program. Are you ready to take a deep dive into learning, managing and optimising your health for the future?


Your personal wellness hiking safari

The week begins with a highly detailed medical evaluation

The results will identify your needs and deficiencies. Next, a genetic test will give you predictions you can use, with the help of our experts, to head off potential problems. The second phase is to focus on individual regenerating treatments which have been identified by your doctor. Throughout, you’ll also focus on your nutrition and an anti-inflammatory approach. You’ll learn about and investigate tailored lifestyle changes while enjoying rejuvenating wellness programs and getting out in the mountains around your treatments.

the mountains are calling and I must go