Luxury hiking across the Alps on the via Francigena

  Luxury hiking across the Alps on the via Francigena

Delve into the historic Alps on the rustic pilgrimage route of the via Francigena. This ancient pilgrimage route stretches more than 3000 kilometres from Canterbury in England to Rome in Italy. It includes mountain paths, mule tracks, rural and secondary roads as well as atmospheric cypress-lined dirt roads. On this journey, tread the oldest streets you have ever set foot upon, worn by the passage of time. This may not usually be luxury hiking across the Alps, but we can find you luxurious accommodation on some of the prettiest parts of the via Francigena.  Added to that, the stories, sights, fresh air and sense of satisfaction bring a unique luxury of experience.

The great faith roads

Between the end of the first millennium and the beginning of the second, the practice of pilgrimage became important in Europe. The holy places of Christianity were Jerusalem, Santiago de Compostela, Rome and the Via Francigena. These  represented the central junction of the great faith roads. Thanks to the travel journals of a particular pilgrim, who later became the Archbishop of Canterbury, we know the ancient path of the Francigena today. The via Francigena has inspired pilgrims throughout history. Hopefully today it will inspire us to build a society founded on tolerance, respect for others, freedom and solidarity.

Be part of the story

On our hikes in this area this season we have noticed numerous references to the pilgrims dotted along the way. The local residents leave out refreshments to encourage those on the route and there is always a smile and a conversation reserved for stories of the journey.

Silk meets the region of champagne

Originally a hiking or walking route verging on the more rustic than luxurious, the Francigena became an important commercial road. It was strategic for the transport of silk and spices coming from the East towards Northern European trade fairs, where they were often traded with champagne and damask linen from Flanders and Brabant.

A step back in time and a step up in luxury

Those pilgrims where tough back in the day and still today it is not an easy route to complete. Most people do not have the time to do a 3000 km trail. However, it is possible to combine hiking across the Alps with luxury on this wonderfully historic pilgrimage route. What a great theme for a holiday with the family, time to switch off the devices, walk in the footsteps of history and learn a lot along the way. If you are looking for a different Alpine adventure, where you soak in the history and the stories of a beautiful region that encompasses three countries, Italy, Switzerland and France, look no further. We are here to help you. Drop us a line and we will design the perfect trip of luxury hiking across the Alps on the prettiest parts of the via Francigena.

Looking ahead and down under

We are already busily planning our winter trips in Australia. Check out our blog on the new Australian trip and our blog on the Best ski resorts in Europe for some inspiration for your next winter adventure. It is always better to book well ahead for the best winter experience.

Warm regards from the mountains,
